Zoe Fisher Projects on Parlor.

It is rare that an  online startup platform for the arts catches my attention beyond the frustrating eye roll as it seems like every week there is a new one aiming to “disrupt the art world” – but Parlor really grabbed me. Parlor is a new initiative which partners with NY galleries to offer artworks that galleries inevitably have sitting  in storage for monthly rental and on approvals to the public. Not only does it offer a really affordable way for collectors to familiarize themselves with art and strip away what may be for some an intimidating process of purchasing art, but it also makes it so artist’s works are seen by more and many - all the time. No work collecting dust in storage! It is a super clever idea that benefits both galleries, artists and collectors. One of those ideas I said “why didn’t I think of that!”
Read interview on Parlor about how it all got started, whats hanging in my living room and my obsession with green paintings here ︎︎︎

Browse available works on Parlor ︎︎︎
